"Sickness comes when people draw apart from Nature. The severity of the disease is directly proportional to the degree of separation."
- Masanobu Fukuoka, One Straw Revolution
“We are children of Nature; it is vital for us to be in close contact with it to keep our bodies healthy. It is important for us to walk barefoot on the soil and grass and to swim in the natural waters of lakes, rivers and sea. It is important for us to be physically active in the fresh air in natural environments. It is essential for us to be in contact with animals and other forms of life on our beautiful planet. It is essential for us to sunbathe regularly. All of these activities help us build a robust immune system and a healthy beautiful body.”
-Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Gut and Physiology Syndrome
Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) was coined by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, MMedSci in Neurology, MMedSci in Human Nutrition, in 2004. She is recognized as one of the world’s leading experts in treating children and adults with mental disorders and digestive and immune disorders using nutrition as therapy. After working with hundreds of patients with neurological and psychiatric conditions in her clinical practice, she saw a patterned overlap of conditions. Patients with neurological conditions like autism, schizophrenia, bipolar, OCD, and ADHD, also struggled with allergies, eczema, asthma, food intolerances, and autoimmunity. According to Dr. Natasha, one factor unites these cases in a clinical setting: the state of the digestive system. "I have yet to meet a child or an adult with autism, ADHD/ADD, dyspraxia, dyslexia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder who does not have digestive abnormalities."
Clinical and academic research continues to reveal how central gut health is to every physiological action in the body including metabolism, digestion, nutrient production and absorption, neurotransmitter (serotonin, dopamine, etc.) production and transport, inflammation, detoxification, etc. Nurturing the digestive system is essential for mental health and overall wellness.
The GAPS nutritional protocol addresses complex syndromes which stem from an unhealthy gut. This includes all autoimmune conditions (including autoimmune skin problems, Hashimoto disease, and other hormonal problems), asthma, eczema, various allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, many endocrine disorders (thyroid, adrenal, etc.), chronic infections, many neurological diseases, and all chronic digestive disorders, like IBS and Crohn's. Through dietary intervention, targeted food-based supplementation, detoxification, and lifestyle changes, the GAPS therapeutic model is designed to restore digestive function, brain function, and overall vitality.
I discovered GAPS around 2009 and implemented its principles, along with wisdom from indigenous ways of eating and being, to reverse a collection of diagnosed "disorders" and symptoms in myself, including ADHD, OCD, GAD, chronic infections, chronic pain, and autoimmunity in my early twenties, and Lyme disease and other chronic infections in my later twenties. I've also seen it's power in my family to reverse PANDAS, febrile seizures, tics, severe eczema, chronic infections, and more.
In 2023, after 14 years of personal and client experience implementing GAPS principles, I completed the training process with Dr. Natasha to become a Certified GAPS Practitioner.
I have witnessed GAPS principles help and reverse a diversity of issues in my clients, including fibromyalgia, IBS, Hashimoto's, gum and dental infections, and chronic infections. There are thousands of incredible GAPS success stories worldwide. For more info, checkout Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride's book: GAPS Stories: Personal Accounts of Improvement & Recovery.
Probably, as it's a protocol that is designed to be individualized to the most unique of needs. I'd love to hear more about your unique story and makeup and discuss how an integrated mind-body-land approach may help. Please reach out to me to schedule a free introductory call.
The information presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only, and it has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease, nor is it medical advice. Please consult a qualified medical professional before engaging in any dietary and/or lifestyle change.